We collaborate with INDEM, from Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M) managing and providing some classes in the “II Introduction to Social Network Analysis course”
It will take place in Room 1.A.05 in Campus Puerta de Toledo, UC3M , from 9:30 to 14:30, from the 21st of November to the 24th of November.
The targets of this course are students, researchers and practitioners from different fields that are interested in using Social Network Analysis methodologies in their projects (ie, doctoral thesis, final grade and master thesis, professional projects…) with a practical approach.
You can find further details about the course program and the professors (María Antonia Ovalle Perandones, Mª Luz Congosto Martínez and Gloria Álvarez Hernández) in the course flyer.
Final course application date is the 16th of November.