
Discussion panel at Science and Innovation Week 2021, Madrid


What can we learn from Chinese companies? How are you coping with today’s business demands? In the discussion panel “Chinese Management: From the multinational to platform ecosystems” we reviewed signs and trends of Chinese management and the platformization of companies and work, where companies and the Chinese government are generating management innovations that combine the best of East and West. In addition, we will integrate perspectives from management, strategy, sociology, politics and technology.

The discussion panel on Chinese Management is organized by Universidad Carlos III de Madrid and Dubitare within the framework of the Science and Innovation Week 2021 of the Community of Madrid. It will have the participation of the analyst and sinologist Águeda Parra Pérez, author of the book “”China, las rutas de poder” (China, the routes of power), the professor Claudio Feijóo González of Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, author of the book “El gran sueño de China. Tecno-socialismo y capitalismo de estado” (The great dream of China. Techno-socialism and state capitalism), Gloria Álvarez Hernández, Professor of the Business Economics Department at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid and Óscar Pérez Zapata, Professor of the Management Department at Universidad Pontificia de Comillas..



Palace Examination at Kaifeng, Song Dynasty, China. Mesa redonda Management Chino

Palace Examination at Kaifeng, Song Dynasty, China” Imagen disponible bajo Creative Commons license


Below are more details about the discussion panel on“Management Chino: De la multinacional a los ecosistemas de plataformas”:
  • Title: “Management Chino: De la multinacional al ecosistema de plataformas”.
  • Date: martes 2 de noviembre de 19:00 a 21:00 horas
  • Speakers: Águeda Parra Pérez, Claudio Feijóo González, Gloria Álvarez Hernández y Óscar Pérez Zapata
  • Where: Salón de Grados del Campus de Madrid-Puerta de Toledo de la UC3M. c/Ronda de Toledo, 1. ¿Cómo llegar?: https://goo.gl/maps/pBf8AirTs2B2
  • Inscription: enviar un e-mail a Dubitare (info@dubitare.com)
  • Organizations: UC3M y Dubitare.
  • Hashtags: #SemanaCienciaInnovacion, #SemanaCienciaMadrid, #SemanaCienciaUC3M


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