“Social network Analysis for Creativity and Innovation Research” Gloria Álvarez Hernández’s presentation about the use…
Publications: Organization, Work and Health
Limiting “Boundaryless Work”. Science Week 2014
¿Qué es el trabajo sin límites o “boundaryless work”? ¿Cómo influye en tu creatividad? ¿Y en tu salud? ¿Podemos gestionar nuestra energía? ¿Cómo? Utilizaremos una aproximación “desde la investigación a la aplicación” para proponer herramientas y acciones desde el nivel individual y organizativo.
Wellbeing and health at Work, setting up limits to “boundaryless work” – Presentation
Wellbeing and health at Work, setting up limits to “boundaryless work” – Presentation (in Spanish)
Intensification of Knowledge work in Spain and Impact in health
“Intensification of Knowlege Work in Spain and Impact in health ”, article presented by Óscar Pérez Zapata…
Creativity and knowledge sharing ideal types in a multinational corporation social network
Creativity and knowledge sharing ideal types in a multinational corporation social network
Knowledge work intensification in Spain
“Intensification of Knowlege work” in Spain article presented by Óscar Pérez Zapata at the XI…