We will participate in the XII Spanish Sociology Congress with the following communications.
Knowledge work intensification, resources and limits
Next July 1, Óscar Pérez Zapata will be discussing about Knowledge work intensification, resources and limits at the XII Spanish Congress of Sociology in Gijón. The communication will be included in the Working Group of Sociology of Work.
For further details please check this abstract and this paper
Title : Knowledge work intensification, resources and limits
Date : Friday, July 1, 2016
Time: 9:00 a 10:45
Place: Laboral. Ciudad de la Cultura, Gijón, Asturias. Room S04
Longitudinal social network analysis in organizations
Next July 2, Gloria Álvarez Hernández will be discussing about longitudinal social network analysis in organizations at the XII Spanish Congress of Sociology in Gijón. The communication will be included in the Working Group of Social Networks in the stream “Communities and organizational networks”.
For further details please check this abstract and this paper
Title : Dinamicity evolution in a longitudinal social networks
Date : Saturday, July 2, 2016
Time: 9:00 a 10:45
Place: Laboral. Ciudad de la Cultura, Gijón, Asturias. Room 203
XII Spanish Sociology congress program can be downloaded from this link.

XII Spanish Sociology Congress, 2016